Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Couple More Pictures

Here's a picture of me and my friend Stella - she's two, and the daughter of a good friend of ours who is a seamstress in our village. The other picture is us after we went to the seamstress party that I posted a couple of pictures of awhile ago. Thought you'd appreciate the Togo-style clothes. My outfit was actually made by Schalom, the group that makes the tote bags we sent home and who I made the catalog for (recently sent that home to Rick to show you all!).

I'm in the process of writing another blog entry to let you know what we've been up to lately, but in the meantime, hope these pictures will suffice to let you know that we're still alive and well. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Marie Stella has gotten so big! I remember when she was born!!! Tell her and her parents (Alain and Amelie) I say hi!! Lauren